
A street art project to place the theme of ecological transformations defended by Sorry Children at the heart of the public place. 
Literally and figuratively.

les participants

Our ambition is to gather people of all political orientations, faiths, artists, activists who can reach as lot as possible citizens.

Because the message counts more than the messenger!


  • Alert all the citizens about environmental and social urgencies
  • Invite to introspection and moving from excuses into actions
  • Focus on what’s urgent and important
  • Occupying public spaces : real, digital and conversational
  • Allowing people to share their excuses and actions

Changing our paradigms: going from #theworstexcuse to #thebestaction


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The #theworstexcuse project’s goal is to occupy and conquer both digital and real public spaces by challenging passers-by and visitors, by putting up photos of emblematic figures imagining the worst excuse they could give to their children if they hadn’t committed themselves .

These people pose with a #theworstexcuse placard in their hands and their photo will be sticked on the location where it was taken, as Josef Helie practices his art (see his collection) and shared on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with #thebestaction it corresponds to, i.e. the main priority action to take to avoid using this excuse.

We will also propose  people to share on both Sorry Children website and social networks which are for them #theworstexcuse and #thebestaction.

Sorry Children is an associative project aimed at encourgaing people to change their behaviour and making them consider what excuses they’d tell their children to justify their inaction.

For his part, Josef Helie has spent a year travelling the world to put up his recontextualised photos on city walls. Paris, New York, Montréal, Barcelona, Bordeaux, Toulouse…


Shooting periods:

  • Paris : september
  • Bordeaux : september
  • Montréal/New York: 13 march / 31 march 2020
  • Elsewhere : contact us


SHootings of festivals (World Impact Summit, Cabaret Vert, Produrable, Sustainable Brands)

Petition to French PM Edouard Philippe

Books with all the worst excuses (2020)

Street play: children court



How you can help us?

You can help us grow this action:

  • ask known people to join the project
  • contact journalists who can relay the campaign


The initiators

Sorry Children generates excuses for parents to give to their children if they would have done nothing (or very little) to ensure their children are left with a viable planet. Above all, it is an ironic website that explains current and future issues and proposes hundreds of actions to take, from gathering information independently to civil disobedience. 

Article MrMondialisation
Article Rue89
Article L’info durable

Josef Helie is a French photographer and artist. He discretely distills his enchantments, generously sprinkles a free dose of poetry in a citie’s daily journey.

The stealthy pleasures he reproduces, far from superficial touch screens and dedicated white cubes, invite a random audience to look at the world, as the most beautiful photos still that need to be taken and shared.

He makes us realize that it’s with art that life becomes more interesting than art.
